Single-Source Simplicity
One call connects you to our flexible, technology-savvy accounting department. They have the tools, know-how and understanding of retail business practices to provide any information, report, back-up or invoice needed. Accounting services are tailored to meet the needs of the individual client - so your procedures will be our procedures.
- Electronic Billing
- Web and/or 3rd Party Provider Invoicing
- Customized Reports
- Budget, End of Year, and Accrual Reports
- Customized Invoices and Back-up
- Paperwork Consistency
- Store History Reports
- Vendor Invoicing Reviewing and Proofing
- One Vendor Instead of 7,000
(Only one Certificate of Insurance and W-9)
- Reports By Trades
- Jobs Invoiced in Timely Manner
- Job Tracking
- Batch Invoicing
- Invoice Cover Letters or Spread Sheets
- Paperless Invoicing
On-Demand Repairs
Project Management
Accounting Services